Cleaning and sanitizing are at the forefront of virtually everyone on the planet right now. Keeping workspaces, vehicles, common areas, and homes disinfected has suddenly become more important than ever. With this need to sanitize and disinfect growing stronger by the day, the question of what sanitation standards we should be using is being asked by many. The following are guidelines that should be used when cleaning and sanitizing most environments.

Commonly Touched Surfaces

According to the United States Department of Homeland Security website, viruses spread from surfaces when touched by others that then touch their eyes, nose or mouth. A virus can last several hours on most hard surfaces, so being aware of the most commonly touched surfaces and keeping them disinfected is important. Keeping disinfecting wipes close by for people to routinely use on these surfaces ensures that everyone can keep them sanitized throughout the day. Some of the more commonly touched surfaces may include:

  • Door handles
  • Computer keyboard
  • Copier keys
  • Remote control
  • Light switches
  • Faucets
  • Toilet handles

 Wearing Gloves

When cleaning, it is important that gloves are worn. If you are caring for someone that is ill, only use those gloves in the area where the ill person may go (restroom, bedroom, etc.) Immediately upon taking the gloves off, hands should be washed thoroughly. The use of gloves is important to avoid any cross-contamination while cleaning.

Frequent Hand Washing

Perhaps most important as a sanitation standard is the frequent washing of hands. If you are forced into a situation where you must share a workspace with other people, aside from maintaining physical distance, hands should be washed frequently throughout the day. If you are moving, it is highly important that you wash your hands before this occurs as well. Avoiding contact with the eyes, nose, or face is of the utmost importance. If you are at home or in a controlled environment (personal office, home, personal vehicle, etc.) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend washing hands after the following events throughout the day:

  • After using the restroom
  • Before you eat or cook
  • After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
  • After touching pets or other animals
  • Before and after you care for a child or other person

These suggestions are important for daily sanitizing and disinfecting areas to eliminate or reduce the risk of becoming ill. The importance of washing hands frequently, and disinfecting commonly touched surfaces (especially in the case of a move where multiple items will be touched by multiple individuals) is of the utmost importance.